Contact Information
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Start Reducing

Take the first step in energy reduction

Schedule a free online introductory meeting with us to see how we can help you.


Call or email us for a telephone introduction, to schedule a measurement plan date directly, or to assess whether your factory can take significant steps in energy savings and CO2 reduction.

 Let us call you back

What are the annual energy costs?
± €200.000
± €100.000

Location Hengelo

High Tech Systems Park
Building N
Haaksbergerstraat 67
7554 PA Hengelo
+31 (0)85 078 27 66

Gebouw N 2048x1366
About Energy-IO

Every residential house nowadays has a smart meter. They know exactly what it costs if a washing machine runs an hour shorter or longer. But in the manufacturing industry? There, they annually pay at least 250,000 euros to the energy company. But they have no idea which process or machine really runs efficiently, or is just a huge energy leak.


Data-Driven Energy Reduction

High Tech Systems Park
Building N
Haaksbergerstraat 67
7554 PA Hengelo

+31 (0)85 078 27 66